Residents of a street in south-west Ipswich will come together this weekend to celebrate the King’s coronation with an afternoon tea party. 

James Preston, who will host a tea & cake party in his garden in Devlin Road, is inviting his neighbours to raise a royal toast with his family. 

Mr Preston said: "It's been 70 years since my last coronation. Of course, we had street parties at particular stages of the Queen’s life, but this coronation will be special. 

"We won’t have another event like this for a very, very long time, and our aim now is to bring everybody together. 

"It doesn't matter what colour or religion you are; this is a unique celebration of us as being British and of the Commonwealth. 

"We’ll have something where we can look back on and see our unity. 

"We are so lucky that we had the Queen for so long, but now we’ll have a new King who’s got a very hard act to follow.   

"I think we couldn't ask for a better ambassador for our British values." 

The party will take place on Sunday at 17 Devlin Road from 3pm.

Everybody is asked to turn up wearing red, white and blue colours. 

READ MORE:  More than 3,000 coronation street parties taking place this weekend

READ MORE: Landmarks to light up in celebration of King’s coronation

Mr Preston said that his neighbours will provide some delicious food, including homemade trifles, cucumber sandwiches, and coronation punch. 

Younger residents will have a chance to take part in many games during the party. 

The organiser added: "My wife was a parish councillor, so she sort of takes charge of the event, but all our neighbours were very keen on organising the meet-up and coming together to celebrate the coronation. 

"We're a very good group of neighbours, and this is one way of just celebrating it." 

Devlin Road residents are experienced in having tea parties, as they have already hosted a few of them, including last year’s celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.