Residents have voiced their concerns that benches located on a bridge in east Ipswich are not serving their purpose and attracting anti-social behaviour. 

They say they witnessed numerous incidents happening around benches on the bridge between Marlborough Road and Wellesley Road, including drug dealing and rough sleeping. 

One resident told this newspaper: “These benches are placed on what used to be a road connecting two streets above a railway track facing a brick wall.  

“They are not serving a purpose other than attracting drug dealers because it is a secluded spot where only a few people go; it's mainly cars that access it.” 

Another resident added: “Whilst I appreciate chairs and benches anywhere, they seem to draw problems these days - it’s such a shame that the easy remedy is to have them removed.” 

Ipswich Star: The bridge between Marlborough Road and Wellesley Road, Google EarthThe bridge between Marlborough Road and Wellesley Road, Google Earth (Image: Google Earth)

Another resident, David John Plowman, added: "As somebody of a certain age I welcome more benches. We need more of them around town so that people can rest and talk to others when needed.

"Don’t complain that people sit, or lay on seats. That is their purpose. If things happen around the benches deal with that problem head on.

Ipswich Star:  Ipswich resident David John Plowman, Supplied Ipswich resident David John Plowman, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

"Benches don’t cause homelessness or urge people to take drugs or carry out unsociable acts. Deal with the causes and let us have more benches to sit on"

Councillor for the area John Cook said: "Although not formally consulted about the county council's works on the Wellesley Road and Marlborough Road railway bridge, Alexandra ward borough councillors expressed concerns about the sitting of the benches on the bridge.  

Ipswich Star: Cllr John Cook, Charlotte BondCllr John Cook, Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

“We were told that the county intended to proceed with the benches but could review matters later. 

“In the light of concerns raised about the benches, we now intend to seek the views of residents in the immediate area and provide the county council with a summary of local opinion." 

A spokesperson for Suffolk County Council said: "The benches and planters were installed back in October 2022 to create a nice space for people to sit and rest, especially those who may have limited mobility, or struggle to walk long distances without a rest.

"Any reports of anti-social behaviour should be reported to Suffolk Police."

A Suffolk police spokesman said that officers are aware of some occasional reports of anti-social behaviour and drug-related activity in the area, but these are not of a persistent nature. 

The spokesman said: “To address the issue, we will be working with the Ipswich Borough Council ASB officer to explore options.  

“We are conscious that anti-social behaviour is a real concern for many, so we continue to encourage members of the public to contact us online or via 101 should they witness ASB, and we will respond accordingly with support from relevant partners.”