An Ipswich youngster has been recognised nationally for his ardent enthusiasm and progress in reading.

Fifteen-year-old Oliver Hyland, of Sir Bobby Robson School in the town, was recognised around the country for receiving the title of Reading Plus Star of the Month.

The honour, bestowed by Reading Solutions UK, acknowledged Oliver's exceptional development and attitude towards the DreamBox Reading Plus programme.

Reading Solutions established the initiative to allow national recognition for pupils' reading efforts and accomplishments.

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Sir Bobby Robson’s deputy headteacher, Ian Bristo, who nominated Oliver for the accolade, said: “Oliver has been incredibly enthusiastic since we introduced Reading Plus.

"He's a top advocate and continually uses it to develop his reading and make plenty of progress.”

In recognition of his exceptional progress, Oliver was gifted with a book voucher, a trophy and a certificate.

Discussing his time on the programme, Oliver said: "Reading Plus has helped me calm down in school whenever I need it.

"I can use it in reading lessons or whenever I have some extra time.

"I get a boost of confidence every time I complete a text, and it sets me up for the next lesson.”

The tool aims to enhance reading fluency, stamina, and comprehension in students while fostering a love for reading with appealing texts.

As a school catering for pupils with autism and social, emotional and mental health needs, the programme offers a flexible learning structure.

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Lee Carrick, of Reading Plus, congratulated Oliver: “Every month, teachers nationwide nominate students to be our Reading Plus Star of the Month.

"Oliver was selected out of hundreds of entries – he should feel very proud of this momentous achievement.

"It is fantastic to see the positive impact Reading Plus has had on Oliver’s and all of the students at Sir Bobby Robson School’s reading attainment and enjoyment. We can’t wait to see what they achieve.”