Two men were arrested after a "well-established" cannabis factory was found near a Suffolk town.

On Friday, June 21, Suffolk police stopped a car that they suspected was being used for cannabis production in Felixstowe.

Esat Dashi has been arrested on suspicion of producing a controlled drug and taken to Martlesham police station.

Following this, officers attended a residential property in Langer Road in Felixstowe where they discovered a cannabis grow described by a police spokesman as a "well-established cannabis factory".

The cannabis factory found last week in a residential property in Langer Road in FelixstoweThe cannabis factory found last week in a residential property in Langer Road in Felixstowe (Image: Felixstowe & Woodbridge Police)

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The 27-year-old from Willenhall, West Midlands, was subsequently charged with being concerned in the production of a controlled Class B drug (cannabis) and with acquiring, using or possessing criminal property.

Dashi appeared at Ipswich Magistrates’ Court on June 22 and is next due to appear at Ipswich Crown Court on July 15.

READ MORE: Suffolk and Essex Crime News

Police also arrested Thien Le, of no fixed abode.

The 41-year-old was later charged with being concerned in the production of a controlled Class B drug (cannabis) and with acquiring, using or possessing criminal property.

Le appeared at Ipswich Magistrates’ Court on June 24 and is next due to appear on July 15 at Ipswich Crown Court.