From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you to all the people who have placed their trust in me, to represent them as Ipswich’s Member of Parliament. I feel so humbled and privileged, and I won’t let you down.

To all those that didn’t vote for me, I will serve you diligently and tirelessly too. No more politics of division. We are going to bring Ipswich together. I stood at this General Election because I am proud of Ipswich, because I know we have such potential, and because I want to deliver the change we all so desperately need.

Now, it is up to me to make the promises I have made a reality. While I am delighted that we have achieved something historic in Ipswich and across our country, the reality is that the hard work is only just starting.

Polling day may have been the culmination of a two-year campaign. My feet may be a little tired. And there are a few extra bags around my eyes. But no matter how tired I am now, this feeling is temporary. And I know that it is nothing compared to the exhaustion that people in Ipswich are feeling each and every single day.

Many people are struggling to make ends meet. Our public services don’t feel like they are working anymore. The divisive politics that our town has endured has had a wearing effect. People can’t wait for change, and that is why I have got to work immediately to put an end to the chaos of the last 14 years.

Yesterday, I was in Westminster, starting the job I was elected to do. I will also be sitting down with local leaders to set out an agenda for change and delivery over the coming weeks. Keir Starmer has already formed his Cabinet, and the people who are serving in this new Labour government are already at their desks, working to make the change our country so desperately needs.

There will be no more sticking plasters. No more gimmicks. Instead, we will have leadership, unity and ambition, plus a lot of hard work. In short, I and the Labour Party will be returning politics to public service.

A few other brief thank yous, if I may. I would like to pay tribute to my fellow candidates for their campaigns. Public service is a privilege, but it is also a huge responsibility, and everyone who stood at this election should be given credit for putting themselves forward.

To my agent, and to everyone who has worked so hard on this campaign, knocking on doors, delivering and preparing leaflets, making calls, whatever it may be. Thank you. Your dedication has helped return a Labour MP for Ipswich and a Labour government for Britain.

To the people I love the most, my family and my friends, thank you for your unwavering patience, support and sacrifice. I am so incredibly grateful.

Keir Starmer, our Prime Minister, transformed the Labour Party, from one focused on itself to one back in the service of the British people. We campaigned as a changed Labour Party, ready to change Britain. Country before party.

Now, the British people have given us the mandate, and the privilege to start rebuilding our country. Once again, thank you for placing your faith in me. I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to revive our town, to ease the burden on you and your family, whether that is putting more money in your pocket, or getting our vital public services working again. Together, we are going to build a new future for Ipswich.

Jack Abbott is Labour MP for Ipswich