Frustrated residents have taken matters into their own hands by adding extra barricades to their street as work on a promised traffic restriction has not yet been installed.

After a survey conducted in September last year, Suffolk County Council said they received "strong" support for restrictions in Cavendish Street in Ipswich to be made permanent in April.

Temporariy restriction were put in place in November 2022.Temporary restrictions were put in place in November 2022. (Image: Charlotte Bond)

However, the county council's Highways Committee has yet to install permanent barriers which has seen motorists ignore the restriction.

Now wooden pallets have been added to stop traffic as residents wait for the work to begin.

Emily Padmore, who lives in the area, said: "We do not want this extra traffic on our street, it is too narrow to be used as a through road. 

"So we have had to add these pieces now, even though they are a huge eye-sore."

Cavendish Street was temporarily closed to traffic at the junction with White Elm Street in November 2022 prior to the full restriction coming into effect.

The barrier has also been vandalised a number of times over the last couple of years.

A spokesperson for Suffolk Highways said: "In 2022, Suffolk County Council implemented a Traffic Regulation Order on Cavendish Street, Ipswich to restrict motorised traffic. The area has since been subject to damage.   

"We are working towards the installation of a permanent solution to limit restricted vehicles from using the area and avoid further damage."

The council will also provide a further update today (Monday). 

The structure has at times been vandalised.The structure has at times been vandalised. (Image: Shikhar Talwar)

Cllr George Lankester is dissapointed by how long this has taken.Cllr George Lankester is disappointed by how long this has taken. (Image: Ipswich Borough Council)

Ipswich Borough Councillor for the area George Lankester said he was happy when the permanent structure was announced.

He said: "I am hugely disappointed, that in that time no proposals have been made by the county council to install an improved, permanent fixture, that is not an embarrassing eyesore to the local community.

"Borough Councillors like myself have not been informed about any new plans. In other areas of the county, we have seen such road closures made permanent through initiatives that blend into the street scene, and make good use of flowers and wildlife.

"Residents in Cavendish Street will be rightfully confused as to why they have not been treated in the same way by the county council."