Concerns have been raised that plans to remove dozens of pontoons at Ipswich Waterfront could "destroy" the marina, residents have said.

Plans were announced last week by Associated British Ports (ABP) to remove 93 existing pontoons and replace them with 15 new ones. 

Additionally, ABP will also add a foul water treatment plant and two welfare buildings on either side of the marina - with toilets and showers for the users.

Though residents have expressed concerns over the proposals, business leaders have welcomed them.

ABP announced plans for the marina last week.ABP announced plans for the marina last week. (Image: ABP)

Now residents have begun submitting their objections to the plans on Ipswich Borough Council's planning portal.

A resident, Jane Hunt, said: "This will destroy the marina, many people walk along here to see all the boats and removing them will just result in the area's decline.

"Ipswich Town FC's promotion could potentially make the town great again, but destroying the only good thing Ipswich has left is just a crazy idea."

A resident called the plans a crazy idea.A resident called the plans a crazy idea. (Image: Shikhar Talwar)

Meanwhile, another added: "Removal of the pontoons would ruin the excellent marina view, awful for local business from boat users and visitors.

"This is bad for Ipswich as a whole - the Waterfront and Christchurch Park are the only decent places to go in Ipswich, people would stop visiting Ipswich as a result."

ABP’s divisional port manager, Paul Ager, said: “We want the Beacon Marina (Neptune Marina's new name) to be welcoming for boat owners and visiting crews. We are making a major investment in Ipswich as a destination and want it to thrive.

"We have gone some way towards answering boat owners’ concerns. Waterfront visitors on the quayside will still be able to see a variety of craft moored here.”

Cllr Cook hopes the planning committee will take objections into account.Cllr Cook hopes the planning committee will take objections into account. (Image: Ipswich Labour Party)

Councillor John Cook, who represents a part of the area covered by Neptune Marina, said that he knows many have objected to the plans since they were first thought of a year ago. 

"I am aware of many having objected to the plans, but am sure that the planning committee will do what is legal for them to," he added. 

He further said he hopes the council will take into account the objections made and that ABP and the residents can reach a consensus.

CEO of Ipswich Central said he looks forward to seeing the plans in full.CEO of Ipswich Central said he looks forward to seeing the plans in full. (Image: Ipswich Central)

Meanwhile, Lee Walker, Ipswich Central chief executive, has welcomed the plans.

He said: “It’s great that ABP is looking to invest £2million to upgrade Neptune Marina, improving the facilities for boat owners on Ipswich Waterfront and allowing more space for Ipswich Maritime Trust to show visitors all about the Heritage Harbour. 

"We look forward to seeing more detail as their plans develop and will work with ABP to ensure that any proposal maximises the potential of the waterfront as a key asset for the town.”