Two Ipswich men who were found in possession of more than 500 pouches of cannabis and nearly £3,000 in cash have been each jailed.

Before Ipswich Crown Court on Tuesday were Ermal Dragjoshi, 21, and Klajdi Kordhaku, 20, both of Vernon Street.

Callum Mundy, prosecuting, said police stopped Dragjoshi in Riverside Road in April this year and during a search they found 14 pouches of cannabis and £30 cash.

When his accommodation in Vernon Street was searched, police found 269 pouches of cannabis and £1,595 cash.

When officers went to Dragioshi’s room in Vernon Street they saw Kordhaku leaving the property and when they searched his room they found £1,235 cash and 283 pouches of cannabis.

When he was searched he was found to have two pouches of cannabis and £13 cash.

Dragjoshi told police he had entered the UK illegally and had become involved in selling cannabis to pay a £5,000 debt to people smugglers.

The men admitted possessing cannabis with intent to supply, being concerned in the supply of cannabis and acquiring criminal property in April this year.

Dragjoshi was jailed for eight months and Kordhaku was sentenced to seven months youth detention.