An application has been submitted to convert redundant offices in Ipswich town centre into 17 flats.

Ipswich Borough Council has received plans for the ground floor and parts of the first floor of 17 Lower Brook Street to be turned into flats.

The application follows plans from 2021 that have already commenced in the building, turning the first, second and third floors into flats.

The 17 flats applied for will be a mixture of one and two bed flats, with no external alterations being applied for.

All habitable rooms will be served by at least one window to cater for adequate natural light and noise is not anticipated to be an issue for this proposal for the conversion of the ground floor.

Due to the previous application in the building being accepted for the conversion of the other floors, the new plans state they find the transport and highways impact acceptable and will not have any materially different transport impacts to the existing office use.

Ipswich Borough Council will discuss the plans in due course.