A 24-year-old Ipswich man who was involved in a violent incident at the YMCA in the town has been given a community order.

Sentencing Zaker Fadool, Judge Emma Peters said there had been an argument in the smoking area of the hostel after other residents thought Fadool and another man were talking about them in a foreign language and asked them to talk in English.

She said Fadool, who was an asylum seeker, had been “particularly aggressive” in the confrontation that followed.

“Everyone who was in that smoking area ought to have been respectful of the place of safety they had been given,” said the judge.

Fadool of  Fonnereau Road, admitted using threatening, words and behaviour causing fear of violence in October 2021.

He was given a 12 month community order, 80 hours unpaid work and a ten day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was also ordered to pay £200 costs.

Ipswich Crown Court heard that Fadool’s parents had died when he was 12.