Empty shop units will be turned into flats following a planning appeal. 

The proposals to turn the premises at 31 to 33 Garrick Way, in Castle Hill, were rejected by Ipswich Borough Council in May 2023 over concerns the homes would not have adequate natural light coming through the bedrooms. 

Developer Sterling State Lettings originally submitted the plans in January 2023 which would see work carried out  on the former retail units which have been vacant since January 2022.

The proposals included two one-bedroom apartments and two two-bedroom flats.

After visiting the site, the planning inspector was satisfied the development could go ahead.

The inspector said: "I conclude that the proposal would provide adequate natural light to all habitable rooms of the dwellinghouses."

He also dismissed concerns about parking issues saying that the addition of a small number of vehicles would not lead to "unacceptable transport impacts or an unsafe access to the site".

The inspector also found no substantive evidence the road would be unsuitable for pedestrians or cyclists due to fly tipping and antisocial behaviour concerns.