An Ipswich primary school and nursery has completed work on new outdoor support space.

Springfield Infant School, on Wesley Way, have finished work on their dedicated space for the school's family support worker.

The plans were approved by Ipswich Borough Council in March and involved a one-storey, free standing building, 4 metres high and 3 metres wide. 

Springfield Infant School on Wesley Way (Image: Google)

The aim of the project was to provide a space for the school's family support worker where sensitive conversations could be held away from, but still in view of, the main building for families who may need help.

Headteacher Gail Phillips said the new space will bring a number of benefits that  to the school.

She said: "We actually have one corridor where all of the classrooms come off of, our family support worker shares an office with three people so it isn't exactly private.

"The aim was to provide that space for families within our community."

The new decking and book shed will allow the pupils a quiet space to readThe new decking and book shed will allow the pupils a quiet space to read (Image: Springfield Infant School)

Not only that, but the new building can be used as a meeting space and as a quiet reading area which was requested by students of the school council. 

Attached to the decking is a planted area, which will allow pupils to grow fruit and vegetables providing opportunities for learning and enrichment as well. 

The headteacher said: "We are an infant school with 300 students so nowhere is really quiet, so whilst the cabin is there to support our families and communities, the outside area is there for the children to relax and read if they don't want to take part in the play.

The quiet area will provide a space for children away from the noisy playgroundThe quiet area will provide a space for children away from the noisy playground (Image: Springfield Infant School)

"The area, historically, was where everything that got broken was put and parent walked through it so this is a nicer environment to be in.

"The quiet space is really important for the kids because some of them don't like loads and loads of noise."