A nursery in Ipswich has been described as a 'home-from-home' in an Ofsted report that found them to be 'Outstanding'.

Lodge Day Nursery in Ipswich has been rated the highest an education provider can get, in all areas just five years after opening.

The report states that 'children thrive at this exceptionally welcoming and nurturing 'home-from-home' provision'.

It also stated that the children are 'extremely relaxed and happy' and they have 'quality time with the staff who support them to feel very safe and secure'.

The Lodge management team, headed up by Hayley List were praised throughout the report, stating that the management team has 'high expectations for the nursery and works tirelessly to ensure children have the very best experiences'.

Staff were also commended for the way in which they 'work very well together as a friendly and supportive team' who 'swiftly respond to children's individual care needs'.

Ipswich Star: Lodge Day Nursery celebrating their success after being rated 'Outstanding' by OfstedLodge Day Nursery celebrating their success after being rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted (Image: Lodge Day Nursery/Ipswich School)

Mrs Claire Jackson, head of Ipswich Preparatory, which oversees Lodge Day Nursery, said: "I am delighted that the Ofsted inspector recognised the outstanding provision.

"We know that leaving your young child in the care of others can be difficult for new parents, so we are pleased that people will know we offer outstanding care and development."

During Ofsted's visit at the end of September, inspectors also described the curriculum as 'excellent', stating it 'builds on what children know and can do' with staff meeting the 'unique needs of the children' helping them make rapid progress.

Mrs Jackson continued: "It is particularly pleasing to note that the inspector found children to thrive with us and they have a quality time with the staff."

Safeguarding at the nursery is also judged to be 'effective' with regular training given to staff to maintain their knowledge.

Parents have also said that their children have made significant progress because of attending the nursery, and they are kept fully informed of their child's progress through an online system and events.