A street in Ipswich has been praised for its Christmas tree display, which features rows of houses with trees hanging from them.

Each year, residents of Rectory Road in Ipswich put smaller trees out of their windows, making the area look festive every December.

There are around 10 trees now involved, all decorated differently, and one resident was full of praise for the festive decoration.

Ipswich Star: The row of treesThe row of trees (Image: Tom Cann)

Susan Paul, who lives on an adjacent street, drives down Rectory Road to get to work every day.

She said: "It looks really nice, it is just an ordinary street, but they have this community spirit going which is really lovely."

The trees go up at the start of December, and gradually as the month goes along, more trees are added to the display, lighting up the Ipswich street.

Ipswich Star: The row of trees on Rectory RoadThe row of trees on Rectory Road (Image: Tom Cann)