Barges housing asylum seekers could be moored on the Suffolk coast, according to national newspaper reports.

The Guardian has said two giant vessels could be stationed in Liverpool and Middlesbrough, with additional barges rumoured to be positioned across the country - including in Felixstowe.

The Home Office refused to comment on the reports, although the government is expected to confirm which locations will be used in the coming weeks.

The Guardian also cited sources which said discussions over the acquisition of further barges and disused cruise ships had taken place, meaning thousands of asylum seekers could be housed in vessels off the East Anglian coastline at Felixstowe and Harwich.

Newcastle and the Royal London docks were also mentioned by the newspaper.

These reports have not been confirmed.

In a speech in Kent on Monday, Prime Minsiter Rishi Sunak said the number of people making the journey across the Channel was down by around a fifth since last year but acknowledged the government has “a long way still to go”.