Speed limits on the Orwell Bridge will be reviewed over the coming days as Storm Babet arrives in Suffolk. 

The county will be faced with heavy rain and strong winds from Wednesday, leaving drivers facing potentially treacherous conditions. 

National Highways has confirmed they will review speed limits on the Orwell Bridge ahead of the forecasted weather. 

Ipswich Star: The speed limit on the Orwell Bridge could be reducedThe speed limit on the Orwell Bridge could be reduced (Image: Charlotte Bond)

A spokesman said: "National Highways will keep the wind speed at the Orwell Bridge over the next few days under continual review.

"If wind speeds hit the 45mph threshold, we will reduce the driver speed limit to 40mph."

READ MORE: Day-by-day forecast for Suffolk as Storm Babet hits the county

Currently, there is a maximum speed limit of 60mph on the bridge for wind speeds of up to 60mph. 

For forecasted winds between 45mph and 60mph, drivers face maximum speeds of 40mph. 

According to National Highways, the Orwell Bridge will close if wind speeds are set to hit more than 60mph.

The Met Office issued a yellow weather warning on October 12 that said that the majority of Suffolk would be covered by a warning for wind. 

This has now been updated, with the affected area isolated to the Suffolk coastline. 

Strong winds and rain will still batter the county, with significant rainfall expected over the next few days. 

Southwold, Aldeburgh, Felixstowe and Lowestoft will face wind speeds of around 40mph over the next three days. 

The warning says that coastal routes, sea fronts and coastal communities are likely to be affected by spray and large waves.