An Ipswich childcare hero has been honoured with an invitation to 10 Downing Street.

Lisa Brown, manager of Happy Tots Pre-school, was nominated by Tom Hunt, the town's MP, as a 'Childcare Champion'.

The accolade was given in a reception organised by David Johnston OBE, minister for children, families and wellbeing.

The event, held on Tuesday, April 30, was organised by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's office to celebrate the significant contribution of childcare providers to local communities.

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Ms Brown has been at Happy Tots for more than two years, during which she and her dedicated team have positively impacted children of the Gainsborough area.

Mr Hunt said: "I was delighted to invite Lisa Brown to Number 10 recently.

"She deserved the recognition for all she’s done at Happy Tots Pre-school.

"It has been great to hear about all the great work going on at the pre-school and I am pleased that Lisa and Happy Tots have got the recognition they deserve.

Ms had the opportunity to meet with Mr Johnston and discuss her pre-school's achievements with other MPs and Childcare Champions.