An Ipswich woman has been given a community order after breaching a restraining order preventing her from seeing her ex-boyfriend, who she had previously attacked with a knife.

Sarah Goodenough, 46, of Bramford Lane, turned up drunk outside his house about 11pm on January 8 last year and said “hey it’s me, fancy a catch up” with a smirk, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

He ignored her and went back to bed.

This was was not only a breach of the restraining order but also of the suspended sentence she had been given for one count of actual bodily harm against him and two counts of criminal damage.

Goodenough pleaded guilty to the breach.

When the pair were in a relationship in 2020 they had got into an argument and she had thrown crockery at him and scratched him with a fruit knife.

She also damaged items belonging to him worth more than £1,000.  

In January 2021, Goodenough went to the man's house and put raw eggs through his letter box and scribbled all over his front door in permanent marker, the court heard.

Judge Richard Kelly fined Goodenough £250, gave her a 12-month community order, 20 rehabilitation activity days and said she must wear a trail monitoring tag for six months for the breaches.