Plans to build a 70-bed care home on the site of Victoria Nurseries in Ipswich have moved a step closer as Suffolk Highways agreed to parts of the proposals. 

The plan submitted by applicant First Care Home was set to be discussed for a decision from Ipswich Borough Council on April 24 but was deferred by a holding objection put in place by Suffolk Highways. 

The objection was submitted in November following the plan's resubmission, saying the transport infrastructure in the area should be improved to be approved.

A Suffolk Highways spokesperson said it had its objection in place in April but teams "have been working with the developer and relevant consultants to address the issues raised within it".

The issues included the limited parking space, where 88 spaces were asked for earlier but only 35 provisions were made, along with charging points and links to public transport for the site, just off Westerfield Road.

Now both the applicants and the highways have reached an agreement. 

The highways officials stated that there is suitable pre-commencement of work done regarding electric vehicle charging points as well as car and cycle parking spaces.

In addition to this, First Care Homes has also suggested improving the local bus stop, and cycle infrastructure and contributing £11,500 to Suffolk Highways for a Traffic Regulation Order.

However, Suffolk Highways has also recommended the care home developer makes a travel plan which would include vouchers for residents' travels along with details on cycle storage at the nearest railway station. 

Woolf Bond Planning, which is the agent for this development, wrote in its latest planning statement: "The applicant is in agreement with Suffolk County Council that there is a clear and growing need for care homes that provide nursing care for those of age 85-plus with a high level of dependency."

The agent added that First Care Homes will continue engaging with Suffolk Highways once the application is approved to ensure the development is in accordance.