A man from London was ordered to pay more than £400 for stealing cooking oil and possession of cannabis while in Ipswich.

Yordan Eminov, 34, of Hazelwood Road in London, appeared in front of Suffolk Magistrates' Court in Ipswich in March. 

He was charged with two counts of theft and a count of drug possession, all of which took place on January 30. 

Eminov was caught taking two 100-litre jars of cooking oil and two large green bins belonging to Chiquito.

He also stole two barrels of cooking oil from Frankie & Benny's on the same day.

The two restaurants closed down last year.

Along with the thefts, Eminov was also caught in possession of 1.3g of cannabis or cannabis resin. 

Eminov pleaded guilty to all of these charges. 

He was fined £266 and was ordered by magistrates to pay £105 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service for the thefts from the restaurants.

Eminov had to pay a further fine of £50 for the possession of cannabis, which took his total to pay out to £421.