A number of Ipswich roads will be closed later this month for a festival. 

The Sikh Nagar Kirtan parade will be taking place in Ipswich on Sunday, June 23. 

Rolling road blocks will be in place along the following roads while the procession makes it way to Christchurch Park:

  • Bramford Road 
  • Chevallier Street
  • Valley Road
  • Norwich Road
  • St Matthews Street
  • Crown Street
  • Soane Street

The procession will leave Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Bramford Road at 11am on Sunday. 

Hundreds of people are expected to arrive at Christchurch Mansion for 1pm.

While inside Christchurch Park, a number of ceremonies will take place as people mark the 50th anniversary since the Gurdwara opened in Ipswich.

A Gurdwara is where Sikhs come together for congregational worship.