A pre-school has gone from Inadequate to Good in the eyes of inspectors in five months.

St John's Playtime Pre-School in Ipswich has turned its fortunes around extremely quickly, being rated Good by the education watchdog following its inspection in April this year.

It is the first time since 2018 that the school has been rated Good by inspectors.

In November 2023, the school was rated Inadequate, with inspectors finding the school was not suitable across the board, with safeguarding being an issue, as well as child safety.

In the most recent inspection however, the school had completely turned things around safeguarding being effecting, and children and staff praised throughout the report.

It states that children are "eager to explore the activities on offer" and the staff use the children's interests to "plan a curriculum that supports children to become ready for their next stage of learning."

Inspectors also found that staff plan experiences to help children gain an understand of people, families and communities, with regular visits to the neighbouring care home.

Children "follow instructions" and "generally behave well" and are ready to leave their parents in the morning and enter school said the report.