Chicken owners on a village allotment have welcomed a decision to u-turn on banning the birds.

Sproughton Parish Council had announced it was taking action to remove chickens from Sproughton Allotments in Burstall Lane.

The ban was in place after the council received reports and concerns relating to rat activity.

Ipswich Star: Chickens were banned on allotments over health fears and ratsChickens were banned on allotments over health fears and rats (Image: Submitted)

This was met with anger and upset from allotment holders, many of which have chickens.

On June 4, around 30 people including councillors and allotment holders came together for a meeting to discuss the issue.

Among those that spoke of their anger was Neil Sanders, who said it was not just the decision, but also over how the issue was handled, with no consultation taking place between the parish council and allotment holders.

He said: "This came out of the blue and I felt it could have been handled better than it was.

Ipswich Star: Some of Neil's chickens on his allotmentSome of Neil's chickens on his allotment (Image: Submitted)

Ipswich Star: Neil SandersNeil Sanders (Image: Submitted)

"My chickens provide so much and if the decision has been made due to a health risk and rats, then I don't think getting rid of chickens is the solution."

The parish council released a statement shortly after the decision, stating they understood the decision to ban all livestock was causing "significant distress".

They said: "We understand and deeply regret the emotional and practical impact this decision has on those who have kept chickens for many years.

Ipswich Star: Chickens on the Sproughton allotmentsChickens on the Sproughton allotments (Image: Submitted)

"This was not an easy decision."

Allotment holders shared their thoughts on the decision and ways that the issue could move forward at the meeting on July 4.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Sanders said: "The parish council was keen to hear from everyone and all attendees were given the opportunity to express their views on the matter.

Ipswich Star: Chickens on the allotmentsChickens on the allotments (Image: Submitted)

"It was heartening to witness the overwhelming support for chicken keepers, with many voicing their passion and willingness to find a harmonious solution for all.

"I would like to extend a personal thank you to the council for providing us the opportunity to voice our opinions."

This paper understands that there will be a further meeting next week between councillors to discuss how to move forward.

Until then, however, it is understood the ban has been temporarily withdrawn.

Sproughton Parish Council was approached for comment but did not respond.

No further updates or minutes about last week's or the next public meeting have been released.

Ipswich Star: William the cockerel has lived on the allotment for the past six yearsWilliam the cockerel has lived on the allotment for the past six years (Image: Submitted)