An Ipswich property manager has been found guilty of “flagrant” fire safety breaches.

Edward Ottley, the property director of Home from Home Property Management, was found guilty on four out of five charges relating to the Ipaxis building on Wolsey Street, Ipswich.

Prosecutor David Claxton described these failings as “flagrant” violations of the law and said there could be a maximum sentence of two years in prison for each of the four counts.  

Ottley was found guilty of four counts of neglecting fire safety requirementsOttley was found guilty of four counts of neglecting fire safety requirements (Image: Archant)

Home from Home was found guilty of four separate fire safety failings and Ottley was found guilty of four counts of neglect for each instance.    

The principal count, is that on July 14, 2021, when an inspection of the building was carried out there was not a suitable risk assessment in place.

The company was also found guilty of failing to maintain emergency routes, failing to undertake fire drills and failing to ensure appropriate fire detectors were in place.

The jury did not find the company guilty of failing to install adequate fire barriers.  

Ottley faced a charge of neglect in relation failing to install adequate fire barriers but was cleared by the jury.

The trial at Colchester Magistrates’ Court has stretched over two weeks and the sentencing date has now been set for July 25 at Ipswich Crown Court.

The company will be fined for the breaches.

The court previously heard that “lies” were told to a fire safety expert about the flammability of the cladding in the building.

Last week, a fire risk assessment expert giving evidence said he was assured by a representative of Home from Home the cladding in the building had passed flammability tests - when it had failed.

These failings were later described as causing a “significant risk to life” and the prosecution said Ottley was responsible for this risk and knew full well the dangers of the cladding.  

Following the verdict, a spokesperson for Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service said: “The actions of Home From Home in relation to the cladding risk has prolonged the potential risk of harm to the residents if a fire occurred.

“This is a clear message to all managing agents that fire safety is important, and as an enforcing authority Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service will not hesitate in prosecuting where lives are put at risk.”