Police have warned residents against leaving belongings in cars after a spate of thefts in Ipswich in the last week.

Two cars were broken into and belongings were stolen on Tuesday morning, a Suffolk police spokesman said. 

A car parked at a home in Norwich Road was broken into at some time between 12am and 6.30am. 

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The car was searched and a purse was stolen. 

Then, at some time between 1am and 9am, a car parked at a home in Compair Crescent in east Ipswich was also broken into.

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This car was searched and a wallet containing cash and bank cards was stolen.

This comes after a Mercedes was stolen from a car park in Ipswich and a Kia was stolen off Princes Street in May.

Earlier this year, in April, a car parked in Loganberry Road, near Gainsborough, was also smashed open and a wallet was removed from the glove box

Police have warned residents to be vigilant and avoid leaving belongings in cars.

Officers have put out an appeal for these two most recent incidents and asked anyone with information to contact Suffolk police, referencing 37/31536/24 or 37/31399/24.