An Albanian drug dealer who used an electric bike to deliver cocaine in Ipswich town centre has been jailed for 26 months.

Armond Hoxha was stopped by police on January 30 while he was riding an electric bike in St Peter's Street, Ipswich, and was found in possession of 10 bags of cocaine, Ipswich Crown Court heard on Friday.

He was also stopped on Christmas Eve last year in Aldershot while he was driving a car and was found in possession of six bags of cocaine.

The court heard that it was discovered Hoxha had been able to send £1,000 back to Albania over a period of six months.

Hoxha, 23, of no fixed address, admitted being in breach of a suspended prison sentence and possessing cocaine with intent to supply.

Hoxha admitted a string of offencesHoxha admitted a string of offences (Image: Suffolk police)

He also admitted driving without insurance and without a driving licence.

Sentencing him at court, Judge Nicola Talbot Hadley said he was delivering drugs using the postcode delivery method.

Stephen Spence, for Hoxha, said his client had borrowed money to come to the UK from Albania in September 2022 in the hope of a better life and had to repay the debt.

He said Hoxha had been told where and when to deliver drugs and faced deportation back to Albania.