Thousands of people in Ipswich have been left confused after receiving two postal poll cards due to a printing error.

Residents living in the Ipswich borough which fall within the Central Suffolk and North Ipswich constituency, which is about 17,000 people, have received two poll cards.

These cards are duplicates, with the same information being displayed on each.

Babergh and Mid Suffolk district councils administer the election for this constituency, while Ipswich Borough Council issues the poll cards to electors within the borough who are in that constituency.

The parts of Ipswich which fall within the constituency includes the Castle Hill, Whitton and Whitehouse wards to the north of the town.

The two postal polling cards one resident receivedThe two postal polling cards one resident received (Image: Submitted)

One woman, who received two postal polling cards, said: "It was really confusing.

"I was wondering if I got an extra vote or was one of the cards meant for my husband and they accidentally printed my name twice.

"I called up Ipswich Borough Council and they said they had received an awful lot of calls from people confused as to why they got two cards."

A Babergh and Mid Suffolk district councils spokesperson said: "Electors in the Ipswich part of the Central Suffolk and North Ipswich constituency were sent two poll cards due to a printing error.

Voters will head to the polling stations to vote for their next local MPs on July 4Voters will head to the polling stations to vote for their next MPs on July 4 (Image: Newsquest)

"We understand that having two poll cards might be confusing for residents, but it has no effect on the election.

"Voters will, of course, only be able to vote once, and whilst it is helpful for staff in Polling Stations if voters take their poll card with them to vote, poll cards are neither necessary nor an entitlement to a ballot paper.

"Voters must, however, take an approved form of photo ID, details of which can be found on our website."

Babergh and Mid Suffolk said they do not expect there to be any additional costs to the taxpayer due to the printing error.