Reports of dogs being poisoned in Ipswich's Christchurch Park are being investigated by the borough council.

One dog owner has told this newspaper of three dogs falling ill after visiting the park, near the town centre, in the last fortnight.

Ipswich Borough Council is now investigating these claims - but no suspicious substances have been found in the park so far.

Extra patrols will also be in the place, the local authority added.

A spokesperson for the council said: “We are saddened to hear of these incidents of suspected poisoning in Christchurch Park and we are taking these reports very seriously.

"Our parks team are carrying out extra patrols, but have not found anything suspicious.

"We would encourage dog walkers to remain vigilant, to keep dogs under control within our parks and open spaces and to report anything suspicious to our parks team or the police.

"We would also encourage anyone who thinks their dog might have been poisoned to seek immediate veterinary advice, report it to us and to the police.”

Suffolk police said officers have not yet received any reports of poisonings, but would also advise people to get in touch with any further information.

Ipswich dog owner Kitty Brandon remains very concerned about this reportIpswich dog owner Kitty Brandon remains very concerned about the reports (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Kitty Brandon is an Ipswich Hospital nurse who has previously held dog picnics at Christchurch Park for her miniature dachshund, Eevee.

She said: "We are dog walkers and have been informed by other dog walkers around the park where we normally walk daily, including one of whose dog sadly passed."

Given these reports, she has urged caution to other dog owners about taking their pets to the park.