A 30-year-old Ipswich man has been jailed for six months after he admitted breaking into and stealing from a number of stores in the town centre.

Calin-Ciprian Lazar, of Grimwade Street, appeared before Suffolk Magistrates' Court in Ipswich.

He was charged with three counts of burglary with intent to steal.

These charges related to breaking into three Tavern Street stores between July 2021 and January 2022, a court listing said.

The first incident was at Lush on July 23, 2021, while the second was at the nearby O2 store on the same day.

The third break-in happened at FJ Hinds jewellers' on January 10, 2022.

Appearing before magistrates, Lazar admitted all three offences.

He was handed a six-month jail term, with magistrates stating that because the break-ins happened at night and were planned that an immediate custodial sentence was justified.

Lazar was also told to pay £154 in the form of a surcharge and a collection order was made for the sum.