An Ipswich paedophile who committed a string of sexual offences over nearly two decades, including raping a child, has been jailed for 21 years. 

David Miller, formerly of Hervey Street in Ipswich, was convicted of 16 sexual offences against three children at trial on May 10.

Miller had denied all these offences, which included two of rape, two of indecent assault, seven of sexual activity with a child under 13, four of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and one of sexual activity with a child.

The offences took place between 2002 and 2019.

Following the trial, a jury found him guilty.

Miller was jailed for 21 years on Thursday. Image: Suffolk PoliceMiller was jailed for 21 years on Thursday. Image: Suffolk Police (Image: Suffolk Police) Several members of the victims' families were in court to hear Miller's sentence. Several members of the victims' families were in court to hear Miller's sentence. (Image: Newsquest)

An investigation was commenced by Suffolk Police in 2014, but the court heard that this was closed a short time later before being reopened in 2021.

The court heard that Miller had told one victim not to tell his mother, for it “would break her heart”.

Victim statements taken from the boys Miller abused were read before the court.

They spoke of the toll the lengthy investigation and trial had taken on them, with one saying that giving evidence of what happened to him was “humiliating”.

Telling his family was, he said, “one of the toughest decisions I have ever made”. Despite the abuse, he said he still felt a sense of loyalty to Miller and was worried about getting him into trouble.

However, he soon realised that “there was no love from David – it was his way of grooming me”.

He said he had finally got to a place where he no longer felt ashamed.

This was echoed by another man who Miller abused as a child, who said: “I’m no longer a victim but a survivor.”

In sentencing Miller, Judge Talbot-Hadley noted his lack of remorse or empathy, although said that this was to be expected from his denial of the offences.

Judge Talbot-Hadley explained to the court that she had taken all of Miller’s offences into account in passing her sentence.

For the charge of rape of a child under the age of 13, the judge sentenced Miller to 21 years in prison.

The remaining charges all received sentences which will run concurrently with the 21 year sentence.

Miller will spend a further four years of this on extended licence and will be subject to a sexual harm prevention order. He will remain on the sex offenders register for life.

In ending proceedings, Judge Talbot-Hadley thanked those in court for their assistance with the trial, and said that she hoped that all those who considered themselves survivors of Miller’s abuse could begin to heal.

Suffolk police said Miller targeted vulnerable adult women with a view to abuse their children.

Investigating officer DC Michael Florey said after the hearing: “The public gallery was packed for the duration of the two-week trial and more notably was attended by the family from a 2002 trial where Miller was acquitted.  

“Because Miler had pleaded not guilty, the victims and their families had to endure a week of extremely distressing evidence being heard. I would like to pay tribute to the strength of character and courage shown by all involved.  I hope the sentence passed today provides some level of closure and allows them to move forward with their lives.  

“Suffolk police is committed to fully investigating any allegation of sexual assault, recent or historic and will provide the highest level of support and care to any victim whilst a thorough investigation is carried out.”