Peter Andre has revealed he was once pulled over by police in Ipswich after officers thought he was driving while drinking a pint of Guinness.

The Mysterious Girl singer spoke about the time officers pulled him over while driving in the town in his most recent column for OK! magazine. 

In his column he spoke about the recent arrest of fellow pop star Justin Timberlake on suspicion of driving while under the influence. 

Andre said: "It has been reported that Justin Timberlake was arrested while driving intoxicated. 

"Understandably he's facing a lot of scrutiny. Although I have never driven under the influence, it got me thinking about a time I was pulled over. 

"I was driving through Ipswich to visit my brother and I got stopped by police because they thought I had a pint of Guinness next to me. 

"Unknown to them, it was just an iced black coffee with froth on top - and it looked very much like a Guinness. 

"The policeman said to me, 'Sir, when was the last time you had a drink?' And I think he expected me to say 'last night' or 'this morning' but my answer was, 'Around nine or 10 years ago.' We both started laughing."

Officers breathalysed Andre at the scene and advised him not to put his iced coffee in a pint glass while driving.