A dog grooming salon will be coming to Ipswich's Monmouth Close after the council gave permission for plans to go ahead.

It was suggested in April that a garage in the close, which is in the Bridge area of Ipswich near Bourne Park, could become a dog grooming salon.

Homeowner Christopher Bullard submitted plans to the council, requesting permission to run the business from part of his garage in the residential street during the week from 8.30am to 6pm.

Mr Bullard’s application said that his wife would be tending to the pets, and at full capacity, they would be treating four pets a day.  On the application form, Mr Bullard explained that this would mean there could be two customers at the property at any one time, and that 15 minutes would be left between appointments to mitigate cross over.

He said that his property has five car parking spaces, and that two of these would be allocated to customers, who would be advised to wait in their vehicles until their dogs were ready to be collected.

Several neighbours objected to the plans, with one resident telling the council, many of them expressing their concerns about additional traffic in the close and noise from dogs.

One resident said: “Parking and access through the close is already congested, with vehicles parking outside of the play area right up to junction within leading to the rest of the close.”

However, Ipswich Borough Council gave this proposal the green light to go ahead on Thursday.

It has been stipulated that the Bullards must adhere to the parking plan they submitted. The council also said that half an hour should be left between appointments, meaning that the Bullards can serve four customers a day in two-hour slots.