A house in Bramford Lane in Ipswich could soon be transformed into a children’s home, according to new plans.

Proposals have been submitted by Phase Homes Ltd which suggest converting a six-bedroom house into a residential home for three children.

It states that the front bedroom of the house would be made into an office, and a room on the first floor would serve as a study room for the children staying there. 

Additionally, the loft would be used as a staff room and the rest of the three bedrooms would be used by children. 

No exterior changes would be made to the building other than additional parking spaces, to be used by the carers on the site. 

Currently, the site has only one parking space, and the applicants want to add two more spaces to the area. 

In a statement to Ipswich Borough Council, agent Ashfaq Ahmed of Design Ghar Limited wrote: “A house of this size could easily accommodate a typical family with two, three or more children and two adults and it seems to me that the use of the house as a home for a maximum of three young people and their carers would not be materially different from the authorised use as a four-bedroom family home.

"It is likely that there would be vehicle movements created by the carers coming to and leaving the site on a daily basis as they start and leave their shifts and journeys undertaken by the children when being taken to and from school.

"Nevertheless, I do not consider that the number of such movements is likely to be significantly more than those undertaken by a family and certainly not enough to result in an intensification of use that would give rise to planning concerns.”

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