An overgrown footpath has left a man with mobility issues feeling like he is unable to get into a village on the outskirts of Ipswich due to the amount of foliage blocking the route. 

Colin Heasley, 70, says he and his wife, Diane, first reported the overgrown footpath in Ipswich Road, Claydon, last year. 

Mr Heasley uses the footpath, which sits at the edge of the village, to visit amenities such as the post office, GP surgery and pub. 

Mr Heasley has been forced to go onto the roundaboutMr Heasley has been forced to go onto the roundabout (Image: Colin Heasley)

"It is depriving me from getting into the village," said Mr Heasley, who uses a mobility scooter. 

"If I want to go into the village to have a beer or a meal with my wife, I can't do it. I can't get to the post office or the shop.

"On Saturday I had to use the road as I was afraid of falling off. It is a health hazard - it is so dangerous."

His mobility scooter is unable to get down the footpathHis mobility scooter is unable to get down the footpath (Image: Colin Heasley)

According to the Suffolk Highways reporting tool, issues at the site were raised on both August 7 and August 12.

Mr Heasley, who lives in Paper Mill Lane, believes anyone attempting to use the footpath would be stung by nettles or be hurt by brambles. 

To get into the main village, Mr Heasley said he has to go on the road, rather than using the footpath, which means he has to travel around the roundabout off the A14. 

The overgrown foliage has "gradually got worse" since it was first reported, according to Mr Heasley. 

"Nothing seems to be getting done," he added. "I like to get out. It's totally unsafe."

A spokeswoman for Suffolk Highways said: "Suffolk Highways will visit the location and raise an order for works should they be required.

"Any orders will be raised in line with our intervention criteria."